
The Power of a Single Vote

Do you know the name Harry Burn? More importantly, do you know the name Febb Burn? Despite a higher education and a legal career built from humble but grounded beginnings, I had never heard of Harry Burn – until recently. I knew nothing of his place in history and nothing of how – by casting

Due Diligence Remains Paramount

The Berkshire Hathaway/Precision Castparts case underscores the importance of probative and thorough diligence in an acquisition. The fraud perpetrated on Berkshire Hathaway—a financial giant with first rate legal and financial advisors at its disposal—by German target Wilhelm Schulz was a collaborative scheme to induce subsidiary Precision Castparts to consummate the purchase despite the target’s insolvency.


It’s hard to believe that a year has come and gone since we officially launched Herman Jones LLP (HJ) – opening our doors in Atlanta, New Jersey and Seattle on July 1, 2019. We thank our clients who have entrusted their matters to us, as well as our superb and dedicated team of attorneys and